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Een beroemde wetenschapper zei ooit: “We only use 10% of our mind's potential.”

In Dianetics we find this to be true. It's about how you think (and why you often think too much), about self-confidence and your guts to take action. Potentially, you should be able to achieve anything you can imagine. But what's stopping you?

There is a certain, unsuspected factor in our thinking that influences us  unconsciously.

This is the cause of stress and burnout, the main factor that stands in the way of positive thinking.

Dianetics explains very precisely what that factor is that we hold ourselves back with.

Alleen al het lezen van dit boek en het begrijpen van de simpele logica achter de ogenschijnlijk complexe structuur van het verstand (bewust en onbewust) geeft een compleet nieuwe kijk op het leven. Maar Dianetics gaat verder dan theorie alleen en beschrijft een gemakkelijk te begrijpen methode om het verstand van deze last te ontdoen.

Het praktische succes heeft Dianetics tot een bestseller gemaakt die maandenlang hoog op de lijst heeft gestaan en waarvan meer dan 22 miljoen exemplaren in 51 talen zijn verkocht.

Het boek is bijzonder populair bij CEO’s, ondernemers, ZZP-ers, zij die iets willen bereiken in het leven; en degenen die altijd al dachten dat er veel meer in hen zat dat vrijgemaakt kon worden.

Het boek beantwoordt enkele aloude filosofische vragen.

Gebruik meer van je verstandelijke potentieel! Intelligentie, zelfvertrouwen en ook algehele gezondheid kunnen worden verbeterd. Jij hebt nog steeds de sleutel in hadden, ook al ben je dat al enige tijd vergeten.

What's different about this book?

There are countless of books about wealth, happiness, positivity and success.

Most popular books in this area tell you that it ultimately comes down to your own attitude. That it is what you radiate, that your own mind-set determines your success and happiness.

That could be so, but how do you change that attitude, this mind-set? How do you suddenly rise above negative thoughts about yourself, worry and failure, and turn yourself into such a radiant personality who knows how to get things done?

That's where Dianetics comes in. This is the secret to what is that which is subconsciously affecting you. You come to understand that real change and real help is really possible. This is why over 22 million people have bought and read or seen it – and that number continues to grow.

Find out for yourself.

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What is Dianetics?

Dianetics is the breakthrough that has enabled us to understand for the first time the logical structure that underlies how our thinking works conscious and unconscious. Dianetics has a clear definition of what the mind actually is and what it consists of. On this basis, it is then discovered what it is in the memory and on the decisions made by a person's manner of his rational thought stops him emotionally to bottom out.

Dianetics also includes a hands-on approach that makes it possible to break down these barriers and truly experience an increase in life energy and positivity that makes a noticeable difference in someone's happiness and success.

What people have to say after reading Dianetics:

“I look, understand, decide and act. No more inner conflict. Thanks to Dianetics I am achieving my goals.”

Chick Corea
The Jazz legend, a Winner of 22 Grammy Awards

“Dianetics has taken me to a completely different level. I've always had the ability to be successful, but Dianetics has brought me to the point where I could really achieve something big, without any obstacles.”

John Travolta

“I have read hundreds of books of success and happiness and the most important book I read was Dianetics. It explained how to get rid of limited thinking, insecurities and destructive behaviors that hindered my potential. The Dianetics movie made it even clearer for me and very practical too.”

Grant Cardone
A CEO, entrepreneur, and International speaker

“I've always loved what I did and Dianetics allowed me to enjoy it even more. Knowing yourself and having faith in yourself and your decisions makes a world of difference. Dianetics made this possible for me.”

Erika Christensen
In Film and television actress

“I gained more confidence”

“Toen ik dit boek las, kon ik voor het eerst in mijn leven begrijpen hoe het verstand werkt en hoe ik mijn potentieel volledig kon benutten.
Na het gebruik van de technieken die in het boek worden beschreven, was ik beter in staat om nieuwe dingen te leren en mijn bewaamheden in het dagelijks leven te gebruiken. Ik kreeg meer zelfvertrouwen, verbeterde mijn relaties en begon mijn doelen in het leven te bereiken, waaronder mijn nieuwe baan. Nu begreep ik ook het gedrag van andere mensen veel beter, en ook hoe met hen om te gaan.
It was also very interesting to understand how the mind, the body it affects, and what's a person to do this. I recommend it to you.”

A. P.

“Change is possible”

“I always knew that I was still not the whole story took a life, and of my ability. I know that there will be one or the other reason as to why I was not at the level of my skills, performing.
But I had no idea why and I had no idea how to change this. Several books tell you all about how you are supposed to think positively and all that, but that didn't really change anything.
When I read Dianetics, I finally understood what had been holding me back all along and saw for the first time that there is hope that I can really change it. It still seemed almost too good to be true. But I decided to put it to the test and try it.
Wow. I have had a lot more than I was expecting. But instead of talking about it to raaskallen, I just read it for yourself. And see what it can do for you.”

T. G.

“I am no longer haunted by my past”

“You know those thoughts, feelings, and ideas that make your mind gloomy, depress you, and make you think that something isn't going to work?

Die dingen die tevoorschijn komen op het moment dat je het ’t minst verwacht? Welnu, ik dacht dat er iets mis was met mij en dat ik de enige was die zoiets ervaarde. Maar toen las ik dit boek en ontdekte ik dat ik niet alleen was, maar dat ik het slachtoffer was van een onbekende kracht, onverwacht en altijd aanwezig.
En bovendien ontdekte ik, tijdens het lezen van dit boek, dat er een oplossing was… en dat was nieuw voor mij. Ik was verbaasd over de waarheid in dit boek en tijdens het lezen van het boek had ik het gevoel dat de auteur het tegen mij had.

I was completely swallowed and sucked in until I knew the way out. Now I am no longer bothered by my past. Yes, that past has existed and things have happened, but I can now look to the future as an enlightened path with no chains to hold me back. People who don't know what's in this book are missing out."

F. J.

“I no longer became uncomfortable or stressed”

“I bought Dianetics because I wanted to know what the mind is and how it works. I was very surprised to discover the real facts and the simple principles about understanding other people and about what kept me from using more of my potential.

I used the techniques described in Dianetics with a friend and we both achieved real changes in our lives. Usually I felt very uncomfortable and stressed about the speed, even when I was a passenger in a car that was going slower than the speed limit. After applying the Dianetics technique, I discovered the cause behind this irrational fear and have never felt uncomfortable or stressed again. I can now give a speech in front of more than a hundred people with ease. And I was also able to help one of my friends with his problems.

And so I can recommend Dianetics to anyone who wants to become more skilled or help people.”

A. R.

“real practical solutions”

“Ik was al tijden op zoek naar iets over het verstand en kwam dit boek tegen.
Het is totaal niet wat ik verwachtte en het geeft de meest duidelijke en meest interessante zienswijze op het verstand die ik ooit heb gelezen. Ik raad dit boek ten zeerste aan.

Als je op zoek bent naar echte praktische oplossingen en een beter begrip van jezelf, is dit het boek om te lezen.”

S. Q.