“Further work and research into emotion will undoubtedly give us an even greater understanding of it. At the moment, however, we have a useful knowledge of emotion. We can use what we know and get results with it. If we know more we will be able to get much better results, but at this point we can already make Releases and Clears. If we view emotion as an encapsulated life force and adhere to the stated general precepts for its release, we will make tremendous progress with each preclear; yes, releasing emotion in this way will give us the most remarkable progress.” – L. Ron Hubbard
By publishing Dianetics: The Human Mind's Guide on May 9, 1950, Ron has not only provided the manual for the Dianetics procedure, but also pointed the way for future research to achieve better and faster results. to be able to get. Indeed, the last pages of that first book urged to further improve the existing technique:
“We have here something that has not existed before, namely a science of the mind that produces unalterable results. The methods of applying it can really only be refined.”
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